====== Requirements for Communicating with the bank ====== First and Foremost, a bank requires a specific file layout of the positive pay information being sent to their host system. Typically, this file layout is comprised of a numerous record types: a sign on record, a header record, detail records, and a trailer record. Additionally, the bank may require the same record types for voided checks. For testing purposes a temporary sign on record may be designated until the bank confirms that transmissions to the host system meet their specifications, and any data discrepancies are identified and remedied. Once a successful transmission has been received, a permanent sign on will be designated for production purposes. The header record may contain information specific to the transmission. An account or shadow numbers, transmission date and block number all typify data elements used in a header record. The detail record lists all check numbers, dollar amounts, and dates. Lastly, the trailer record summarizes the quantity and total dollar amount of checks previously listed in the detail records. Typically, this file layout is comprised of a numerous record types: a sign on record, a header record, detail records, and a trailer record. Additionally, the bank may require the same record types for voided checks. For testing purposes a temporary sign on record may be designated until the bank confirms that transmissions to the host system meet their specifications, and any data discrepancies are identified and remedied. Once a successful transmission has been received, a permanent sign on will be designated for production purposes. The header record may contain information specific to the transmission. An account or shadow numbers, transmission date and block number all typify data elements used in a header record. The detail record lists all check numbers, dollar amounts, and dates. Lastly, the trailer record summarizes the quantity and total dollar amount of checks previously listed in the detail records. The file layout above should be sent to you from the bank in order to define the Positive Pay application, if the application has not already been provided. In addition to the file layout, the bank should also provide the transmission speed, phone number, and scheduled transmission time.