[[[start | Up to Main Menu ]]][[[installation | Prior Topic - Installation ]]] ====== Main Menu OverView ======
 IDOCS                      iDocs Menu 6.95 04.23.20                            
                                                             System:   INFDEV72 
   eDocument Management                                                         
      1. Work with Forms and Reports                         WRKIFDFRM          
      2. Work with Checks and Payments                       GO ICHECK          
      3. Work with Form Sets                                 WRKIFDSET          
      4. Work with Engines                                   WRKIFDENG          
      5. iDocs Utilities                                     GO IFDUTILITY      
   eDocument Delivery                                                           
     10. iFax iSeries Native FAX                             GO FCMENU          
     11. iMail iSeries Native email                          GO IMAIL           
     12. iView PDF Document Center                           STRIVIEW           
     13. iDocs Smart Router                                  SR3                
     14. iPDF Monitor Engine                                 IPDFMONENG         
 F1=Help   F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                 
 © Copyright 1994 - 2020 inForm Decisions,Inc. All Rights Reserved.             
===== eDocument Management ===== ==== Work with Forms and Reports ==== [[[defineform |Go There]]] This is the first step to setting up form applications for iSeries integration. You can define form overlays to be used, job and page controls, spool or database mapping operations, conditional operations, check printing, bank account information, etc. etc. ==== Work with Checks and Payments ==== [[[definecheck |Go There]]] This module takes you into the security check set up and bank file maintenance screens. Setting up check applications is similar to setting up form applications. The difference is each check application will have an associated Bank File Maintenance screen and additional security. ==== Work with Form Sets ==== [[[defineformset |Go There]]] Form sets contain the ability to combine multiple defined form applications. In this way, users can build output from different spool file merges, form different sources and collate them together. ==== Work with Form Engines ==== [[[workwithmergeengine |Go There]]] The automatic background merge engines are defined in these screens. You will define which form applications are to be processed based upon finding a specific parameter within a defined output queue. The Form Engine executes the conditions and business rules for routing documents as well. ==== iDocs Utilities ==== [[[utilitymenu |Go There]]] Various administrative functions and security controls can be completed here, such as Registering (unlocking) eDocument modules and restoring/saving spool files and form applications. ===== eDocument Delivery ===== ==== iFax iSeries Native Fax ==== [[[start#ifax |Go There]]] iFax is a fully capable fax server for the System i server. It has a web interface for easy pc usage, and is fully integrated with iDocs. ==== iMail ==== [[[start#imail |Go There]]] This full featured email client for the System i server permits the user to send email from the System i with database and spool file attachments. There is full outqueue monitoring capability in iMail to automate email distribution of reports. Fully integrated with iDocs. ==== iView ==== [[[start#iview |Go There]]] iView is a spool file archiver with a web end user interface. It has full outqueue monitoring capability and is integrated with iDocs. ==== iDocs Smart Router ==== [[[pub:preprocessor |Go There]]] The iDocs SmartRouterâ„¢ is a dataqueue engine that sorts, bursts, filters and routes *SCS spool file on a page by page basis, optionally assigning external printer file attributes. It's distinguishing feature is its ability to work simultaneously with external spool file attributes and spool file content. ==== iPDF Monitor Engine ==== [[[pub:ipdfmonitor |Go There]]] iPDF Monitor Engine Management Menu. Dashboard for monitoring and working with multiple iPDF Engines

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