[[[start#imail | Up To iMail ]]] ===== Miscellaneous Administrative Commands ===== The following lists commands that aid in administrating iMail, yet are not used extensively enough to warrant a menu item. * **DECODELOG** - This command does just what is implied. When running this command the encrypted email log is decoded to re read. You must have QSECOFR authority to run this command. It utilizes module FMREMLDC to decrypt the FRMEMLLOG file.
                     Decode Email Log (QSECOFR) (DECODELOG)                     
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Output File  . . . . . . . . . .                 Name                          
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 Name                          
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
DECODELOG OUTFILE(library/file) Specify the output file that contains decoded data. * **CLRMAILLOG** - This aptly named command does just what is implied. When running this command the email log is cleared of previously logged mail. No command parameters are required. * **PRGMAILLOG** - This command will actually purge the email log file of all the entries greater than a specific date, or older than a specific number of days and for either all users or specific users.
                          Purge iMail Log (PRGMAILLOG)                          
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Sent From  . . . . . . . . . . .                                               
 Sent To  . . . . . . . . . . . .                                               
 Status . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 SNT, SND, ERR                 
 From Date YYYYMMDD . . . . . . .                 Number                        
 To Date YYYYMMDD . . . . . . . .                 Number                        
 Purge older than Days  . . . . .                 Number                        
 User Profile . . . . . . . . . .                 Character value        
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  
Parameter details are shown below: **Sent From: (SNTFRM)** ­Purge the transactions set by certain address\\ **Sent To: (SNTTO)** Purge the transactions sent to certain address\\ **Status: (STATUS)** SNT – Purge the successful transaction; SND – Purge the on-going transaction (or the ones which have never finished, thus their status couldn’t changed to SNT or ERR); ERR – Purge the failed transactions\\ **From Date: (FRMDATE)** Specify the starting date of transactions\\ **End Date: (TODATE)** Specify the end date of transactions to be purged\\ **Purge older than Days: (DAYS)** Specify the number of day retentions\\ **User Profile: (USRPRF)** Purge the transactions of certain user profile\\ To automate, you can add this command to a job schedule entry i.e. to purge all transactions older 30 days, run the command
===== Other Adminstrative Tasks ===== * **Clearing iMail Attachments**: If old attachments are accumulating in the iMail directory and you wish to automatically purge them, add the following scheduled job:

CMD(STRQSH CMD('find /iMail/* -atime +1 -print  | xargs rm')) 
This command will clear all files in the /iMail directory that were last accessed 1 day or more ago. Please note that the /iMail directory specified above should match the iMail directory you are using, configured [[ imail#configure_environment | here ]]. You will also need to specify a jobqueue for this scheduled job that works for your setup. ===== Upgrading from Standalone iMail 3.27 to Integrated iDocs 5.0 ===== To upgrade to iMail 5.0, which is in library FMG and is integrated with the iDocs Suite, perform these steps: * Perform the upgrade or installation of iDocs 5.0 per the instructions, including PTF application. * Save a copy of the license keys for iDocs 5. ** CPYF FROMFILE(FMG/EMCFGDB) TOFILE(QGPL/EMCFGDB) FROMMBR(*FIRST) TOMBR(*FIRST) MBROPT(*REPLACE) CRTFILE(*YES)** * Put FMG at the top of the library list: **ADDLIBLE FMG** * Run the command **CPYMAILDTA SRCLIB(IMAIL30) TGTLIB(FMG)** where IMAIL30 is the standalone iMail library name. This command migrates all the iMail settings, but also migrates the license keys. * Copy back license keys: **CPYF FROMFILE(QGPL/EMCFGDB) TOFILE(FMG/EMCFGDB) FROMMBR(*FIRST) TOMBR(*FIRST) MBROPT(*UPDADD) CRTFILE(*NO) FROMRCD(*START) TORCD(*END) INCCHAR(ECDTAID 1 '@KEY')** Use the command **REGISTER** to delete any duplicates or unneeded keys. * Go to menu **IMAIL** and take option **1. Configure iMail**. Verify the configuration settings. * From the prior screen, press **F13=Configure Environment**. Verify:

  * Target IFS Directory: imail ( verify that this directory exists and check the authority ) * Default Library. . .: FMG ( verify that the library is the name of the iDocs 5.0 library ) * Default Code Page. .: 819 * DIF file Code Page .: 819

* Use F10 to save all changes. * Check the contents of the iMail library dataarea: **DSPDTAARA DTAARA(DSIMAILLIB)** If it does not read **FMG** then change it: **CHGDTAARA DTAARA(FMG/DSIMAILLIB *ALL) VALUE('FMG')**