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Work With Form Sets

A form set is a method to select a form or check application to process a particular input spool file page based on the content of that spool page. Form sets allow the user to toggle between seperately defined form applications, so the result “stitches” together multiple defined form applications into a single defined form output application.

To create or change a form set go to menu IDOCS, take option

3. Work with Form Set Applications

Use F6 to create or select an existing form set with option 1.

Create or Change a Form Set

This is the Form Set definition screen.

  5/01/18                     iDocs Form Suite                        FM0467C3  
 11:01:03                Define a Form Set Application                KKRAMER   
 Form Set Name: OFDEFEXTRA          Description..: Test Extra Last Page         
 Default Form:  OFDEF1      F4=List Burst Output(Y/N) : N                       
 or *NONE to preempt processing     Relative Duplex(Y/N) : N                    
       Type And/ Form        Relational                                         
 Prior (F/V) Or  Application Op     Trigger Value                    Begin  End 
  ity   F4   F4  F4=List     F4     F4=Map Trigger Value            Row Col Col 
    1   F        OFDEF2      =  1802021343                           10  14  23 
 F3=Exit   F10=Extra Pages   F12=Cancel                               

Form Set Header Information

Form set Detail Information

In the example above, the spool page is tested at row 5, column 15 for 10 characters that must match “REFERENCE ”. If the text matches, the form application ADVICE is used to process the spool page. If the characters are 5,15 - 24 do not match the trigger value “REFERENCE ”, the default check application CHECK is used to process the spool page. Output is not being burst, so one *USERASCII spool file is the output of the merge.

When specifying a form Set to an engine or performing a manual merge, ARCHECK, the form set name, is how the form set is referenced.



If one is toggling between forms in the form set that have differences in the core page attributes, such as page size or page orientation, it may be necessary both to set the form set to burst at the top as well as cause the all the individual forms to burst at the appropriate place in the spool file. This is done by selecting a mapped field in each form as the burst field and specifying bursting. The key point is to force a closing and reopening of the output spool file at the same point that the change in page attribute is to occur.

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