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iView 8 Setup

iView version 8 is significantly different than it's previous versions.

Installation and Configuration

The iView back end is typically provided in a savefile. To install, upload the savefile to the IBM i and restore it with a command like this ( you will need to populate this command with the names you are using on your system ):


Add the iView library to the top of the library list and execute GO IVIEW.

 IVIEW                    iView Version 8.44 02.20.18                           
                                                             System:   DEVV6CLT 
   iView Archive Applications                                                   
      1. Work with iView Applications                        WRKIVWAPP          
      2. Work with iView Processing Log                      CALL IVRELOG       
   iView Server                                                                 
     10. Work with iView Servers                             WRKIVWSRV          
   Administrative Options                                                       
     20. Work with Administrative Menu                       GO IVIEWADM        
 F1=Help   F3=Exit   F12=Cancel

Take option 20, then option 8 to set the iView location and path. Set the parameters as appropriate to your installation or upgrade and press <enter> to update. These values are stored in the data areas DSIVIEWLIB (for iView Library) and DSIVIEWDIR (for iView IFS Path).

                   Change iView Library & IFS Dir (CHGIVWLIB)                   
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 iView Library  . . . . . . . . .   *SAME         Character value               
 iView IFS path . . . . . . . . .   *SAME                                       
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display 
 F24=More keys  

«Add the document to install Tomcat here»

The iView front end is typically provided in a war file. Download this file to your home directory in the IFS using binary file transfer, and then execute these commands ( populating the names with those used in your installation ). The directory /home/user is meant to refer to your user profile's home directoryl

call qp2term
cd /home/user
tar -xf iView8.00-FrontEnd-Php5.4.tar
cd /www/zendsvr6/htdocs/iview800
find . -type d -print | xargs chmod 755
find . -type f -print | xargs chmod 644
chmod 666 i5_def.php
chown -R qtmhhttp

You should now add the following stanza to the Apache configuration file used by the Zend Server. This file is /www/zendsvr6/conf/httpd.conf. You may append this to the file:

 <LocationMatch "/iview*">
 	        PasswdFile %%SYSTEM%%
 	        AuthType Basic
 	        AuthName "i5 User Profile"
 	        Satisfy All
 	        Require valid-user

These statements establish browser authentication against the IBM i profile. iView will not work without user authentication. You may establish user authentication through any means that Apache will allow.

At this point, if your machine's IP is you should be able to point your browser at and get a response.

If this is an upgrade, you can migrate the meta data files, configuration and license keys with the command IVCOPYDATA.

                          iView Copy Data (IVCOPYDATA)                          
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 Current iView Library  . . . . .   iviewold      Character value               
 New iView Library  . . . . . . .   iview         Character value               
 Action on Metadata Files . . . .   *copy         *MOVE, *COPY, *NONE           
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  

The use of *MOVE rather than *COPY for the meta data files may be appropriate if the meta data files are large. Note that the archived documents themselves, in the IFS, are not normally moved. You can copy them to a new location if you wished with the shell command cp -R. See system documentation regarding the use of that command.

Archive Configuration

Menu IVIEW, option 1:

  8/30/18                          iView                              IV1000C1  
 10:17:09                  iView Archive Application                  KKRAMER   
 Type options, press Enter.                                                     
  1=Select   3=Copy   4=Delete   7=Rename   8=Clone Archive Structure           
 15=Archive Spool File                                                          
 Position to              Name                                                  
                                           Target  iDocs       Last    Monitor  
 Opt Application Description               Format  Application Field   Event    
     ATPICKLIST  AllTrade Pick List        *PDF                INDEX04          
     AWINVOICE   Adel Wiggins In-bound Inv *PDF                INDEX07          
     AWTEST      Adel Wiggins Test         *PDF                INDEX03          
     BOYDCHECK   Boyd Gaming A/P Checks    *PDF    BOYD805     INDEX05          
     BOYDTABLE   Boyd Example Table        *PDF                INDEX04          
     BOYDTOFLOW  Boyd Gaming A/P Checks    *TIFF   BOYD805     INDEX05          
     BROCKAPIVW  BROCKAP Check             *PDF    BROCKAP     INDEX08          
     CARBSTMT    Seprod Statement          *PDF    CARB STMT   INDEX03          
     CJCINVOICE  Invoices incoming for A/P *PDF                INDEX09          
     DCYJOBLOG   Test Archive JobLog       *PDF                INDEX06          
     DCYTEST     DCY Testing               *PDF    *INDEX01    INDEX01          
  F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Add                                                 

This display is used to add or change an archive definition.

Archive Options

Option 1 to select:

  8/30/18                          iView                              IV1000C3  
 10:18:07                  iView Archive Application                  KKRAMER   
  Application. . : ATPICKLIST   Description: AllTrade Pick List                 
  Library. . . . : IVIEW7       Directory. : /iview                             
  PDF Output Name: *NAME-*DATE-*TIME                                            
  Disposition Opt. *ORIGINAL    Table Import N Y/N      Allow Null Value N Y/N  
  Processing Opt.: *SYSTEM      iDocs App. :            Storage Format : *PDF   
  Product. . . . :              Printing Queue (Signature) *LIBL                
       Index   Field             From     To    So Bu- Sig        No. Pgs Ty    
 Seq#  Field   Description      Row Col Row Col rt rst Tag Page#  Indexed pe Upd
 0010  INDEX01 Name               1   1   1  35  0  N   N  *FIRST          A  N 
 0020  INDEX02 Warehouse Number   1   1   1  15  0  N   N  *FIRST          A  N 
 0030  INDEX03 Date               1   1   1  10  0  N   N  *FIRST          A  N 
 0040  INDEX04 FORMID             1   1   1  25  0  N   N  *FIRST          A  N 
 0050                                            0  N      *FIRST          A  N 
 0060                                            0  N      *FIRST          A  N 
 0070                                            0  N      *FIRST          A  N 
 0080                                            0  N      *FIRST          A  N 
  F3=Exit   F8=Metadata Monitor   F10=Save   F11=Alt View   F12=Cancel          
 F14=FTP Definition   F18=Signature Output Routing                              

  • Application Name: Use 10 characters alphanumeric. Embedded blanks are not recommended.
  • Description: Enter a recognizable description to identify this application.
  • Library: This is the library in which the meta data file is stored and is a global setting stored in data area DSIVIEWLIB.
  • Directory: This is the root of the iView IFS archives. It is a global setting stored in data area DSIVIEWDIR.
  • PDF Output Name: Specify the file system object name of the archived document using constants and these keywords:
*NAME The archive name
*DATE Processing date in format YYMMDD
*TIME Processing time in format HHMMSS
*INDEX01 to *INDEX20 Contents of meta data fields
  • Disposition Options: This controls the fate of the original spool file:

  *RETAIN        Retain in Output queue        
  *ORIGINAL      Archive Original          
  *SYSTEM        Archive Post Processing               
  *NONE          Do Not Archive            

  • Table Import: Controls use of tables when importing from prior implementations of iScan. This field is not used with current software and should be set to N.
  • Allow Null Value: Y/N
  • Processing Options: Process spool file under the iView user profile or under the profile of the spool file owner. This will impact what profile owns the spool file post-processing.

  *SYSTEM        Use iView System Profile
  *SPLFOWNER     Use Splf Owner Profile      

  • iDocs Application: If you want the spool file processed through iDocs before archiving specify the application here. If specified what is archived is a laser document, else it is a pdf document made from the text spool file.
  • Storage Format: Specify the document type of the file. *PDF is the usual selection due to ease of use with a browser. PDF is also the front end default and any other selection may require front end configuration changes. The use of *PDFSIG enables signature capture in the archive.

*PDF       *USERASCII PDF Conversion  
*PDFSIG    PDF Convert for Signature  
*TIFF      Tiff Image                 

  • Product: Specify IDOCS to create a laser document using the iDocs Suite. Otherwise leave blank. This field is used for integrations with other document products.
  • Printing Queue (Signature) Printing queue and queue library are specified to hold the output from the print option in signature capture. This is unconditional. Multiple and conditional print output from Signature Capture can also be configured using F18.

Meta Data Fields

The meta data fields are defined by their position in a *SCS spool file.

Seq#: You can change the order of the columns of the meta data table by keying a different sequence number
and pressing <enter>.

Sorting is specified as it is in iDocs:

    1          Primary Sort Ascending   
    2          Primary Sort Descending          
    3          Secondary Sort Ascending         
    4          Secondary Sort Descending
    5          Third Sort Ascending     
    6          Third Sort Descending    
    7          Forth Sort Ascending     
    8          Forth Sort Descending    
    9          Fifth Sort Ascending 

Since this is text against which users will search in a browser, the normal practice is to define short, one line text fields as meta data. Fields such as customer name, customer number, etc. You can define text blocks as meta data but the searching dynamics should be considered.
Meta data is stored in the meta data file, having the same name as the archive application, in the iView library.

Bursting works as it does in iDocs and as one would intuitively expect.

Sigtag: Specify a Y to display this field on the Signature Capture search dialog. You should define at least one field as sigtag for a Signature Capture application ( see Storage Format above ).

Page#: Use keywords *FIRST, *LAST, *ALL, or a specific page number to specify from which page the meta data
value is scraped.

No. Pgs Indexed: Key the number of pages from which spool text is scraped and concatenated to form the
meta data for the meta data field. Left blank, 1 page is scraped unless *ALL pages is specified.

Type: Specify blank or A for an alpha string. Specify D for a date field. If a date field, use F11 to enter a date format. The format specified should match the format in the spool file – i.e. tell iView how to parse the spool file date.

iView Servers (Engines)

iView servers are defined from menu IVIEW, option 10.

iView 8 engines are architected similarly to iDocs engines in that they are single threaded, and you can define and run an unlimited number of them in any subsystem.

  8/30/18                          iView                              IV2000C1  
 10:38:24                      Engine Maintenance                     KKRAMER   
 Type options, press Enter.                                                     
  1=Select   3=Copy   4=Delete   7=Rename   8=Start   9=End                     
 Position to              Name                                                  
 Opt Engine      Description                --- Archive Queue --- Status        
     BOYDIVWENG  Boyd Check iView Engine    ARCHIVIEW  OFERRER                  
     BROCKAPSVR  BROCKAP iView Engine       BROCK      *SAME                    
     CARBSTMTEN  Seprod Engine              SEPROD     QASPLFL                  
     CDATEST     CDA Test                   ARCHIVE    IDOCS6                   
     DCYIVWSRV   DCY iView Server           OUTQARC    DCYQC                    
     DEMOENGINE  Demo Engine                ARCHIVE    *SAME                    
     DENSOIVENG  Denso-Diam iView Engine    ARCHIVIEW  OFERRER                  
     GRABBERENG  Grabber Form               ANGUYEN    QGPL                     
     HOPINVENG   Hops Invoice Engine        ARCHIVE    OFERRER                  
     IVIEWSEVER  Testing iView Server                  *LIBL                    
     IVIEWSEVE2  Testing iView Server       IVWARCH    *SAME                    
     IVIEWSRV1   Testing iView Server       GRABBER    *SAME                    
  F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Add                                                 
Select the appropriate engine with option 1:
  8/30/18                          iView                              IV2000C2  
 10:39:58                    Engine Maintenance                       KKRAMER   
 Edit Engine . . . . . . . . . : BOYDIVWENG Boyd Check iView Engine             
 Spool File Endpoint . . . . . : OFERRER    / ARCHIVIEW  Name                   
 Data Queue. . . . . . . . . . : QUSRSYS    / BOYDIVWDTQ                        
 Engine processing log : N Y/N                                                  
 Process SPLF in Separate Job: N Y/N                                            
   Job Queue / Library:            / *LIBL       Job Priority: *JOBD            
    AND   ----- Originating -----   Spool        Spool        Archive           
    OR    Library      Queue Name   Attribute    Value        Application       
          OFERRER      ARCHIVE2     *SPLFILE     AP290A#      BOYDCHECK         

  F3=Exit   F10=Save   F12=Cancel                                               

  • Archive Original Spool File To: This is the endpoint for the original spool file.
  • Data Queue: Provide a name and library for the engine's data queue. This must be unique. The engine will create it if it is not present at engine startup. A dataqueue is a filesystem object.
  • Originating Outqueue and Library: This is the monitored outqueue. Note that you can not have multiple dataqueue engines monitoring one outqueue.
  • Spool Attribute: Specify the external spool file attribute to test to recognize the spool file and select the correct archive application. Specify one of:

| *FORM | Original Spool Form Type |

*USRPRF User Profile of Spool
*JOBNAME Job Name of the Spool
*SPLFILE Print File Name
*USRDTA User data Value in Spool

* Spool Value: Specify the specific value to test the selected external spool file attribute against.

  • Archive Application: Prompt for and select the archive application to process the spool file for which the specified external spool file attribute matches the provided value.

You can have an unlimited number of engines in iView. You may define up to 9,999 engines in this dialog.

Use option 8 and 9 to start and stop the engines:

                         Start iView Server (STRIVWSRV)                         
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
 iView Server Name  . . . . . . . > IVIEWSEVER    Value, or F4 for list         
 User . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   *CURRENT      Name, IVIEW, *CURRENT         
 Job queue  . . . . . . . . . . .   *JOBD         Name, *JOBD                   
 Save job log . . . . . . . . . .   *NO           *YES, *NO                     
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    
 F24=More keys                                                                  

  • User: user profile to run the engine. This profile must have *JOBCTL and *SPLCTL authority, and if it is running iDocs merges must also have a profile define in the system directory.
  • Job Queue: Job queue to which the engine is submitted. This can be any queue leading to a batch subsystem.
  • Save Job Log: If you want the log saved, enter *YES. In normal production this would not be necessary.

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pub/iview8setup.1535652987.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/06/25 17:02 (external edit)