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Using iView With the QNTC FileSystem
Using IBM's SMB client functionality, the /qntc file system, it is possible to store the archived iView documents on a shared Windows Server folder.
These instructions were prepared in September of 2007 on a V5R2 machine.
Requirements: iView 4.0 or later, or iView 3.02 with updated IVR8000 program object.
Windows Server Setup
1. If using Windows Server 2003 with Active Directory, you must disable SMB signing on the Windows server before the QNTC SMB client will interface with it.
2. Next, make certain that you can see the Windows server from your pc. From the Start button select Run, and then type the name of the server preceeded by two backslashes and press <enter>: \\batman to attempt to access the server batman. You should see a list of file shares. If you can not see the file shares from your pc the System i SMB client will be unlikely to see them.
3. On the windows server create two user profiles. The first will be user iview, and the second will be a working System i profile that is not QSECOFR (that must exist on the System i). This second profile will be used to test QNTC. Use exactly the same passwords on Windows Server as you do on the System i. Passwords are case sensitive. User profile iview probably does not have a password on the System i (for security reasons) and will later be given a password identical to what is specified to the Windows Server.
4. Also create a file share to which to export the iView documents - in this example ivwshare. Make certain that user iview and the working System i profile have full access to this file share. Create a subdirectory in the file share with the name of the iView archive application in question, in this example ivwarchive.
System i SMB Setup
1. Using Operations Navigator, drill down on the System i:
Network → Servers → TCP/IP
and right click on iSeries NetServer, then select properties. Use the Next Start button to specify the changes to the configuration.
Under the General Tab
- Server Name: Name up to 12 characters in length (this is the SMB name of the System i) - your choice.
- Domain Name: Windows domain name - up to 15 characters (must match precisely the Windows networking name)
Under the WINS Configuration Tab
- Primary and secondary WINS servers: leave blank if accessing Windows servers in the System i's subnet.
Then right click on the iSeries NetServer and select Start to start the server.
2. On the System i, log in as the work profile. Display the /qntc directory:
wrklnk '/qntc/*'
There will be a delay while the System i server queries Windows machines for file shares. One should then see a list of Windows servers. In this example we are using BATMAN as the name of the Windows server, so in the directory list will be the directory BATMAN.
Using option 5, drill down into the server. One should see the file share ivwshare at the next level, and below that the directory ivwarchive created to contain the iView files.
iView Server Setup
1. If one is able to use wrklnk to view the iView data directory on the Windows server, one can now setup iView to use it. Presuming that the iView archive application is already defined, a subdirectory of /iview exists to contain the archived documents. In this example that subdirectory is ivwarchive.
Start QShell: STRQSH
Change to the iView directory: cd /iview
Remove the existing (empty) archive directory: rmdir ivwarchive
Create a link, named ivwarchive, to the networked Windows directory: ln -s /qntc/BATMAN/ivwshare/ivwarchive ivwarchive
Now, change directory into ivwarchive: cd ivwarchive
and then print the current directory: pwd
OS/400 should echo back: /qntc/BATMAN/ivwshare/ivwarchive
2. Next, work with user profiles and give user iView the same password as was specified on the Windows Server. Passwords are case sensitive.
3. Check iView release. To archive and retrieve from the /qntc file system requires iView 3.02 with updated IVR8000, or a later release of iView.
At this point the iView server can be started and archiving can proceed into the archive.
Caution - if networked file systems operations fail and the document is not successfully copied to the remote folder, iView will put a message in the job log if logging is enabled but will otherwise continue processing. Additionally, the job log wraps so failures early in the archiving process can be lost if there is is much data to archive. Therefore, check that the documents on the remote server are as expected before clearing the iView archive outqueue.
Enabling Document Retrieval Over the Web Using Apache
1. Start the web configuration manager per the standard iView web configuration procedure. Under General Server Configuration, under the Advanced Tab, enter user profile IVIEW where specified for OS/400 user profile to process requests. Save the change.
2. From the OS/400 command line logged in as a user with high authority, execute this: CHGAUT OBJ('/iview/*') USER(IVIEW) DTAAUT(*RWX)
3. Start or restart the web server.
In the event of access problems to the /qntc file system, the iView server will issue error messages into its job log which will be visible if logging is specified, but otherwise will not behave differently. Thus, before clearing the archive outqueue IVWARCH the administrator is urged to do a reasonability check on the files on the remote server. Such a check could include using the web front end to access the first document processed, the last document processed, and a document archived in mid-processing.
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